Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Unarmed man killed by police while walking...

Cop says "get your hands out"... dude starts to take his "hands out"... dude is killed.

He approached an unarmed person with his gun drawn having absolutely no reason beyond one 911 call to believe that the person was armed.  This caller said “They’re obviously looking for trouble, just the way they look.”  So... THAT doesn't sound prejudiced at all.  (note I said prejudiced, not racist)

Police try to say that his behavior escalated the situation... the behavior of removing ones hands from ones pants... per instruction... of the armed officer.

Officer said he thought he was already "too late" when he fired the weapon he already had aimed at the guy who had not even had time (from the point that he did start to react) to get his hands all the way up.

The cop had a clear advantage in this gunman on pretend gunman quick draw session.

Look, I get it... things can happen in a second and you don't always have time to think clearly or assess the situation fully.  And I mean that sincerely, waiting can get you killed.  But the fact is you approached an unarmed man in a threatening manner, and then killed him.  This man was not going to kill you.  But you killed him.  He was not going to attack, maim, or hurt you in any way.  But you killed him.  The unarmed dead guy is not in the wrong here... you are.

Honestly, if the cop just admitted his wrong doing, acknowledged he caused this tragedy... at least I could maintain a larger faith in the uniform.  Maybe not be so afraid that it could be me next.  What if a cop assumes that I am a threat to him, he tells me to take my hands out of my pocket, and when I do he assumes I'm drawing a gun and shoots me?

As always: respect and give your absolutely deserved gratitude to the men and women who refrain from killing unarmed dudes.  The men and women who put themselves in harms way for our safety.  They risk deadly encounters, and in fairness situations of significant uncertainty.  They do not deserve our ire.  They deserve our respect.

Unapologetic killers who happen to wear the same uniform on the other hand...